Simple Calendar

This is the home page for TopCode’s Simple Calendar WordPress plugin.

There are many calendar widgets around. What makes this one different is that its easily customisable. Sizes, fonts, colours and borders are all changeable. A webmaster can also setup day and month names in a different language.

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  • Download the plugin file.
  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Plugins and select the plugin file, then “Activate”
  • To put it in a sidebar or other widget area, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets and drag the calendar widget to your chosen widget area. Alter the title if you wish.
  • To put it in a page, use the shortcode: [simple_calendar]
  • Multiple independent installs on the same page are supported, but the same style settings will apply to all.

The plugin won’t be offered through the plugins repository. There are plenty of calendar plugins there already.

Customize the calendar

  • Go to: Dashboard > Settings > Simple Calendar.
  • Font sizes, widths and heights must be in px. Don’t use the “px” suffix.
  • Use the colour picker to set element colours.


The initials for the day names are in English by default. To change to say Spanish, go to Dashboard > Settings > Custom Calendar and change the day names setting from S,M,T,W,T,F,S to D,L,M,M,J,V,S

There is also a setting to enable month names to be changed.


Please contact us. Sometimes support may be delayed due to other commitments.


  • 12/03/19 v1.00 Initial release
  • 13/03/19 v1.01 Calendar id changed to class
  • 12/09/20 v1.02 Custom styles are loaded in-line instead of by a custom stylesheet in the plugin directory to make updating easier. Settings inputs now santized.
  • 16/09/20 v1.0.3 Missing js link fixed
  • 02/11/21 v1.0.5 Works with Storefront. Display bug fixed


The plugin is offered “as is” and without guarantee of fitness to purpose.